Against the Dying of the Light > Costume Guide
Costume Guide
Our game is set in the year 2035, ten years after the zombie virus outbreak. This means that technology and fashion effectively stopped evolving in the year 2025.
Your character can wear anything from the modern era, or even some older vintage pieces. Please bear in mind that the past 10 years have been physically demanding, and so nothing should appear shiny and new. You might have a treasured Iron Maiden t-shirt that you wear for special occasions, but it probably has at least one patch!
The Crofters
Clothing and accessories are hard-wearing and much-mended. Think chunky knitted jumpers with darned elbows, patched knees on jeans, faded wax jackets, work boots.
The overall aesthetic might be described as post-apocalyptic cottage core!

The walkers
Clothing and accessories are likely to be military in origin, supplemented by items scavenged from abandoned towns and villages. Think battered combat trousers, biker armour, army boots, camouflage and drab colours. Everything is dirty after days of hiking through the wilderness.
For accessories; due to a combination of paranoia and necessity you are used to carrying your possessions with you at all times, even in your home camp.
But do note: you wouldn't have any guns.