Against the Dying of the Light is set in the year 2035, ten years after the zombie virus outbreak that has brought civilisation to its knees.
Recorded here is a BREIF HISTORY of the past ten years, as well as some well-know ZOMBIE LORE.
Please bear in mind that our setting is post-apocalyptic, but also very near-future. This is not an event set long after the collapse of our current civilisation. It is set during that collapse. It also bears a lot of similarity to the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out our MIXING DESK, and ensure that this game is for you.
MARCH 2025
The zombie virus infects patient zero somewhere in Florida.
A small town is annihilated and several other towns are infected before the authorities are mobilised.
The incident is covered up by the local government, who report a toxic waste spill and attempt to quarantine the area.
APRIL 2025
Videos of frightened citizens are released on social media.
President Trump visits the exclusion zone to reassure locals that the 'Ebola outbreak' is under control.
The conservative government is quick to blame immigrant workers, giving the public an outlet for their fear and anger
MAY 2025
International governments finally instigate travel restrictions after cases are reported in several major cities across the world. Lessons learnt from COVID-19 appear not to have been remembered.

JUNE 2025
President Trump and Prime Minister Sunak order simultaneous raids on the headquarters of Meta. Following a social media shutdown Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and the recently acquired Twitter are reactivated but are heavily regulated, to be used only for announcements about rolling blackouts and evacuation orders.
JULY 2025
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand gives her historic press conference in which she exposes the international cover up and explains the true nature of the zombie pandemic.
Her uncommonly honest and sensible statement galvanises her country into the only successful attempt to halt the zombie virus. Strict lockdown measures are enacted, with systematic testing and segregation. Any New Zealand citizens currently abroad are given 7 days to return home and enter quarantine. After the grace period, New Zealand seals itself off from the rest of the world.
A community group based in Glasgow organises rapid marriages between volunteer New Zealanders and their Scottish friends. Around at thousand UK citizens are allowed entry visas thanks to their efforts.
Despite attempts to suppress the now infamous 'Kiwi Confession', audio and video recordings leak out, and the rest of the world begins its slow descent into riot and panic.
All attempts at international cooperation falter as zombie numbers rise exponentially.
Mandatory evacuation camps are set up in England and Wales. Prime Minister Sunak repeats his assertion that the evacuation will last no more than a month, during which time the armed forces will sweep the country and eliminate the zombie hoards.
The operation is poorly organised and under-manned. All London camps are overrun and destroyed within 2 weeks.

First Minister Hamz Yousaf orders the destruction of roads crossing the border to England, to prevent refugees flooding Scotland.
The first reports of radiation sickness are reported. It is understood that proximity to a large number of zombies causes fatal exposure.
The secure location of the UK government is announced over a pirate radio station in southern England, leading to violent riots.
The UK government is dissolved following the deaths of all surviving Ministers. The army takes control of the civilian population.
Winter brings influenza and hypothermia to the Evacuation camps.

The population of the world is decimated, fractured, isolated, struggling.
Communication and travel over long distance is impossible.
The majority of the UK population reside in a network of large, crumbling, overcrowded Evacuation Camps. An unknown number of small settlements attempt to make a life in the wilderness.
Are we nearing the end of human civilisation? Or can something rise from the ashes. That is yet to be seen.

the virus
During the initial months of the pandemic scientists worked tirelessly to identify and characterise the zombie virus. The following is common knowledge:
A novel Flavivirus named FLAVID-25 by the WHO first appeared in southern Florida, USA, in March 2025 and rapidly spread throughout the world.
It is related to the viruses that cause Dengue Fever and West Nile Fever, however FLAVID-25 is much more contagious, with higher mortality rates and rapid in onset of symptoms.
No successful treatment has been identified.
Animals cannot be infected with the virus.
Spread is via infected blood coming into contact with mucous membranes, open wounds and bites.
The virus is extremely resilient and appears to be able to survive outside of a host for an unspecified period of time.
Initial symptoms (within 12 hours of exposure) appear flu-like; fever, shivering, muscle ache, headache, and fatigue.
Intermediate symptoms (12-24 hours) progress to hallucinations and loss of speech.
Terminal symptoms (24-30 hours) are seizure and eventually death by multiple organ failure.
Within 1 hour of death the body begins to convulse, rapidly progressing to full mobility and use of senses. However there is no sign of intelligence. The hunger for living flesh is apparently the only motivation. The fastest reanimation on record is 12 minutes.
PREMATURE DEATH of the infected will speed up the transformation into mindless zombie. For example if the initial zombie bite proves fatal through blood loss, or if the infected person is killed in any other way that does not destroy the brain.

zombie lore
​The reanimated dead are primarily attracted to movement and loud noises, and will walk unerringly towards the source of the most recent stimulus. They move at a slow pace. However, because they do not require sleep or rest, they are able to cover long distances relatively rapidly.
Hunger is apparently insatiable but they do not appear to starve to death in the absence of food.
Their bodies do not rot as a corpse should, however they are susceptible to the elements. Walkers will have come across many zombies who have broken down into harmless heaps of bones and ripped leathery skin due to years spent in the wind and rain.
It is known that long periods of time in close proximity to large groups of zombies can cause radiation sickness in humans and animals. The reason for this is unknown.
​When encountering a zombie, the following strategies are used:
Freeze! If you do not movie; the zombie cannot see you. This only works if the zombie becomes distracted by something else before you are forced to move by exhaustion or thirst.
Run! Most people can easily out-run a zombie. However, they will keep coming until they either get distracted or they catch you. They do not need to rest or sleep, but you do.
Distract! Many Walkers carry something that will make noise, for example a wind-up toy, that they can activate and throw. If they then freeze in place for long enough, the zombie will be distracted and go after the noise, giving a chance to sneak away.
Hide! If you can find a place to hide so that the zombie cannot see you, there is a good chance that it will not find you. Let's hope it becomes distracted by something else before you die of dehydration.
Fight! You can of course kill a zombie. Damaging the brain will do the trick. Just try to do it quietly, or you risk others coming after you in a never-ending stream of shambling death.
Block! If you put sturdy barriers between yourself and the zombies, they will not get through. They have no ability to climb or swim (although they sometimes float and can be washed ashore). They have been known to pile up against walls if there is something that particularly attracts them- for example a running generator. In this case it is best to periodically cull the hoard to prevent disaster.